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Fcp Tourney Leaderboard For Poker Stars Play - July To Sept

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lurbz has been kind enough to offer his services to oversee a leaderboard for tourney action at Stars. It will be for both sit and gos and for MTT's.The Leaderboard will be for the 3 months from July 1st to Sept 30th.Cutoff date for signing up is July 21st but your results will be from July 1st no matter when you sign up.To sign up please post your PokerStars name in this thread as well you'll need to be opted-in to SharkScope to participateAt the end of the quarter a tournament for the top players will be scheduled. The top 9 will play in this tourney if there are 39 or less people taking part and 18 if 40 or more. The tournament will be NL Holdem and will be an $11 entry.Prizes From FCP - To Be DeterminedI can promise that anybody who signs up will be eligible for a random drawing of some FCP swag such as hats no matter where you finish on the leaderboard so even if you don't play a lot or only low limits no reason to not sign up. We'll also have a prize for the winner of the TOC but I don't know what that will be yet. The more people who sign up and take part the better the prize will most likely be.Have Fun and let's see a lot of positive ROI'sAnd a big thank you to lurbz. This is his idea and he's the one who will be doing all the work.EDIT: Here's the link to the leaderboard. http://www.sharkscope.com/?leaderboardid=5291Player's Signed Uppsufans2 - psufans2MaxStPolish - MaxStPolishserge - sergetorontokobe2odom8 - kobe2odom8lurbz - BBsRJReichbabylondonks - time2pokeherqyayqi - qyayqi wsox8 - wsox08TwstdWrstr - PuckSniper23Tehtoe - skully92Stake Pie - SavicMastertbrick412 - tbrick412TrueAce13 - TrueAce13digading - digadingjcashx36x - jcashx36xJustLikeNegs - seat3ismineoutsider13 - superjeff13ktjb23 - ktjb23Waffles2003 - Waffles2003 cdipierr - Phil Loganrcgs59 - rcgs59Shark527 - Shark527Mercury69 - xMercury69xKo8e34 - ko8e34Nvrquit - Nvrquit29 Bender24 - swendraantistuff - antistuffPillyPill - PillyPillvonteego3 - vonteego3spydur86 - Spydur86kepper - kepper111seacucumber - seacucumber1BigHicks - Hicks4LifeMaster Yoda - Voices_shhcoug2828 - coug2828dig75 - Royale_Gprofxavier9 - mrpristineShip_itt - ajacejackaj FARGOpokerND - ADDILAC299ncperrotta069 - getmoney069Chicago99 - Chicago28Conner - ConnerFCP Bob - Big_Mmrpaddyx - mrpaddyxDarth Maple - ~GuNg h0 ~nutzzcase - iamin4udonk4life - xgumbyxPocketAcesA5 - PocketAcesA5potatoman - potatoman79Collotto - Collotto

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How does the leaderboard work?
I submit link to thread and input list of names to SharkScope, they make private leaderboard (which I will link to here when it is up) and it auto-updates once a day searching everyone for the given parameters.Have to be subscriber to set it up.BBsRJReich on Stars, for those who are not in the know.
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