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About Peachyyy

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. from what i've seen, the 4.40s are complete donkfests. If you're patient, you should be able to do well in them
  2. I haven't seen Casnio Royale, and I am not sure about Mavrick, but the hands in this movie were so extremely predictable it was almost funny...but not quite, still boring.I was really disappointed in just about every aspect of this movie. I was really hoping for something good for the poker world.
  3. Did anyone other than me waste their money on this movie this weekend?Just curious what you all thought....
  4. Please re-read what I said. I never accused you or anyone else of saying Daniel doesn't have a right express his opinion. What i said that "I feel" he has a right to an opinion, and should have a right to express it without all this chaos. My point is, he deserves respect -- as do you. Which is why I didn't come over to "your" threads and "blast you" for your opinion even though I disagree. :)I said my 2 cents. I'm back to lurkdom now.. Take care..
  5. Hi Daniel and everyone.I'm a FCP member, a regular reader of Daniel's blogs and a forum reader as well. I felt I needed to come out of hiding after the fiasco over Daniel's blog. I know most of you don't know me, and don't really care about my opinion, but too bad, here it is anyway.Daniel, I feel you have been treated unfairly about your blog comments. I do not agree with everything that you wrote, but I do feel like you have a right to your own opinion, and should be able to express it without it becoming such a heated event. Everyone here has an opinion, and while some of us may not like
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