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Great Job On The "god Blog"

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Someone a lot smarter than me told me this once when I was feeling far from God. She said that when we are close, we are often so dazzled by the Light, we are just immersed in the wonder and joy of God. But, like a very tall building, sometimes the closer we get, the further into the shadow of the building we are. Then, we might feel as if we have lost the Light, but what we really are is so much closer to the Source. Remember that no matter how you feel, He is closer to you than ever. You can't feel the lack of what you are truly without.Come home. Regroup. You might like reading a book called When the Well Runs Dry by Thomas Green, which is all about our deserts, those times when we just don't feel it. And don't be so hard on yourself; we've all done it, we'll all do it again. He'll always be waiting for us to just look up.

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