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About mk_superphone

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. I'd say the next notch is self-aware indifference, and it sounds like you're almost past that one, bra.
  2. The theory. Casual indifference. One notch above aggressive indifference.
  3. This sequence made I and I laugh aloud.
  4. Dude, are you fazzmatazzes really talkin bout limit hold them?
  5. There isn't an athlete in the world who couldn't learn something from watching him play.
  6. In other, happier news, Barca wins easily, scoring 3 away goals, essentially guaranteeing their place in the round of 8.
  7. And really, I'm not even the guy swatting hopelessly at a pitch 7 feet out of the strike zone, although that works too, but I'm more the guy trying to steal 2nd and like every time, some elephant is like, "Ohai, pitch out, gg fella."
  8. Actually, the baby was left alive, making her a sort of real life Dexter.
  9. You can totally do this. The InternetExplorer has been here. Because he explores.
  10. I'd be really surprised if the chairlift album doesn't make like every top ten list for 2012. It's such a good record. Good music + good lyrics s= good songs+good production = great album. Really happy for them
  11. Let me say for the record that I really enjoy the internet explorer acct and pic
  12. Yeah, let's be honest. It's kind of fun. My ladyfrenn was supposed to be going out with her ladyfriends for her bday but decided to have them over to our place instead, and I conveniently live a block away from one of the best bars in the world, according to Forbes magazine. It could be worse. I could live in Virginia.
  13. ZINGI'm currently sitting at a bar by myself, before meeting people out, drinking a bells hopslam because I wanted to make sure I got some before this keg goes dry. Kinda look like a loser, kinda feel like a loser.HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN
  14. It's definitely not taken at face value. U6 is what matters and it still sucks. UNR is actually going down due to people dropping out of the workforce. The number is still good though because it handily beat expectation, and that's generally what happens when we start to see real job growth. We have a few middling numbers, then some slightly better numbers, then some surprise numbers. It's a good sign of recovery.
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