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About WhiskyRiver

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Regular

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  1. Or am I overreacting? Here's the deal: like many, I have an account that I use only for online transactions. Thus, I don't check it too often. Back in October I made a "tester" deposit of $60 using PokerStars echecks. I got the funds, but didn't check whether it had left my account until a few days ago. It had, but on the same day of the withdrawal, there was a DEPOSIT of $100 made. I checked the company, and it was a one of PS' echeck processors. Being a good person (and thinking they would figure it out sometime), I e-mailed them about it, thinking it must have been a mistake. After
  2. Indeed. I understand that point. It was a joke. Hence the cute winky thingy.
  3. Is there a link anywhere to what was said?
  4. While I'm at it, are there rules (I'm assuming there are) for withdrawing money while you are working on a bonus?
  5. So what is the ratio for $'s raked? Isn't it 10 bonus points for every dollar raked, or it only 5?
  6. Is the ratio still 10 points per $1 entry fee, or is it different? I though it was the same, but I just played a 20+2, and only ten points were given.
  7. It's extremely annoying. I don't mean high-high limits, but I can never seem to find an SNG in the 30-50 dollar range that wasn't a turbo.
  8. No, I'm not worried about clearing them. As I mentioned, it's expected, I just hadn't ever had more than one bonus in an account, so didn't realize that was how it worked. More than one bonus.
  9. As I've never been much of a "bonus whore", I only just realized that you can't clear bonuses concurrently. I guess it makes sense, it's just that 750 hands looks a lot farther down the road then the 450 I thought was goign to happen. Just a little rant.
  10. I thought this was funny the first time i read it. I mean, if he's not in the top five? Why not use one of your top five actors names as your screenname? It's not as if "NortonFan" has anything exceptionally witty about it to put it above all others. Why not "BrandoFan" or "PacinoFan" or someone actually IN your top five? Not knocking the name, just knocking the theory behind it. Then again, I'm known as "The Admiral" on various sites simply because 8 years ago as a freshman in college, we were studying Admiral Stockdale, so who am I to talk?
  11. I remember reading someone's blog about how they were doing this. But they were doing it live. That must have ultra annoying for the floor person.
  12. I don't know how helpful this will be to others, but to make sure nothing like this happens to me, I have a separate bank account for electronic fund transfers. If I ever need to deposit, it only takes a second to transfer funds from my "real" bank account to my "EFT" bank account. When I withdraw from neteller, I just move that money out of the account. The account doesn't have any kind of overdraft provision (I made sure), so a request without my knowledge would just get denied.
  13. Then this so-called "Jedi" wasn't really a Jedi, because he gave me half of his stack when all he held was top pair. The reverse-psychology jedi mind trick is one that few have in their bag....
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