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About gooner007

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  1. Agreed, it's unfortunate that he has sort of been forced into this but nice to hear from the horses mouth (No pun intended) as much as it doesn't concern any of us.
  2. you are all numpty's, work that fecker out.
  3. Daniel you say in your blog Hustled for the Very last time 9th Aprl you writeNow, to be fair, I've only heard one side of the story, but it seems like the evidence is overwhelmingly compelling in favor of my friend. As Doyle Brunson put it, "-------, did you put a gun to their head and force them to keep playing?"But in your blog Moving Day Aprl 10th As for my last blog, and my reasoning behind it, I felt as though the portrayal of my friend through other blogs and hearsay was completely unfair. Much had been said and/or written about the incident, and I felt like only one side of the story wa
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