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US TIPS bonds have been negative since 2010. real yields on US debt below 10y have been negative since like 2009.
Both those are only negative on an inflation-adjusted basis. From what I read, looks like Switzerland (as well as Germany, Denmark and even France) were unadjusted negative.
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A quick skim of this article doesn't lead me to believe they're talking about real rates, though I agree it does seem ridiculous.http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b5275642-d027-11e1-bcaa-00144feabdc0.html#axzz20zcvocLaAs discussed, I'm too lazy and disinterested to answer the question properly, which would probably take 3 minutes.

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am I crazy to feel a little annoyed that the world recovery paused for over two years because europe doesn't want to face its reality?
europe is a bunch of pussies, they don't want to face anything. Wait until BHO wins the next election, in 4 years you will be asking the same question about the US...
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europe is a bunch of pussies, they don't want to face anything. Wait until BHO wins the next election, in 4 years you will be asking the same question about the US...
no we won't. People who compare the two situations are wildly ignorant and generally unaware that Reagan and the Bushes are responsible for the majority of our debt.
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their % of our debt is so quickly changing, though. best get ready to retire that argument!europe's creditor nations are trying to get the best terms out of the unsustainables AND the boldholders. that's all this has been, for the last two years. part of me wants to say, well, if it were us, I'd think it totally reasonable to pursue the best deal possible. but at some point, it starts to be cumulatively more expensive [where would they be right now if they didn't delay themselves into a double-dip?] to kick the can down the road than it would be to make the necessary changes and bring rates down again. that point has probably already passed, all things considered. I feel like they will eventually just be doling out bailout money in such volume as if there were a fiscal union, sometime in the next few cycles of high bond yields. so, maybe another few months of this before they break? a year?****. a year is my optimistic scenario. ****.

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no we won't. People who compare the two situations are wildly ignorant and generally unaware that Reagan and the Bushes are responsible for the majority of our debt.
I didn't realize that the source of debt had bearing on the results of debt....
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